Yesterday I was totally off my game.  I overslept, which was fine since it was my day off.  I pretty much hung out on the couch and caught up on my dvr all day.  I did make it to Zumba so I wasn’t a total couch potato.  I also made Paleo chocolate chip cookies.  I held out on sugar for long enough.  Theses weren’t the best cookies ever but they did hit the spot.  I was surprised how sweet they were with just 1/3 cup of maple syrup.  I only baked 5 cookies and rolled the rest of the dough in to bite sized pieces to use on Sunday for my niece’s birthday party.

paleo chocolate chip cookies

I started today off with a yummy breakfast that started last night.  I made up a huge batch of sauteed mushrooms and onions last night while I was cleaning up the kitchen from making dinner.  I’ve been having a problem wanting to get up in the morning so I thought it would be a good idea to make cooking breakfast a little quicker.  All I had to do was scramble up some eggs with a bit of my pre-cooked shrooms and onions.  Super yummy and simple.

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My eggs were a gift from one of my clients.  My clients know the way to my heart, fresh eggs.

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Growing up I absolutely hated eggs!  I wouldn’t touch them.  It wasn’t until someone gave me eggs from their chickens to try that I started to enjoy them.  Now I eat them almost every single day!  There’s just nothing better than a fresh and creamy egg for breakfast!

Work was just ok.  I had someone not show for their lengthy appointment and then I couldn’t reach anyone on my cancellation list so there was a huge chunk of wasted time.  I also forgot my fitbit at home charging.  I was pleasantly surprised during my lunch by my amazing husband who went home during his lunch to get it for me.  I couldn’t believe he did that!  I was really feeling kind of lost without it so it made my day to have it back.  For lunch I finished up my salmon and green beans from the other night.  Sorry to all my co-workers for smelling up the kitchen but it was delicious!

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After work I did a 3 mile run around my parent’s neighbor hood.  I love running there because I don’t have any giant hills like I do in my hood.  The sky was filled with really dark clouds and tiny pockets of the setting sun.  The air was warm and breezy and it felt wonderful to be out there.

sunset on Ashton Ave

Matt cooks on Thursdays and he made us baked sweet potatoes and chorizo with Brussels sprouts.  It was so freaking delicious!!  We will definitely be keeping that recipe in the dinner rotation!

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I apologize for the super grainy iphone pictures.  One of these days I’ll learn how to use the DSLR.  What have you been up to today?  Have anything super yummy to eat?   Watch anything good off your dvr?