I'm learning everyday how to be the best version of me.

Tag Archives: race

I ran my first half today! I ran the ENTIRE thing too. I only walked to drink water and eat some shot blocks and for a minute when I thought I might have an accident. This run could not have gone better. I’m almost glad that last week’s 11 miler was so rough because it hilighted the areas that I needed to focus on. I made it a priority to eat at least one serving of grains a day (gluten free grains of course!).

I focused on hydrating and getting more sleep. Other than that I just relied on all of the training I’ve done to get me through.

My sister stayed with me the entire time even though I know she could have run faster without me. I’m so thankful that she was there. I felt like I couldn’t fail if she was by my side.

Last week my sister had me try her shot blocks when I was struggling and I could definitely feel a surge of energy. During the half I ate one block every three miles and I know that helped me stay energized through the entire race. I needed to pee during the whole race so that was uncomfortable but I was scared to stop because we were running at a great pace, for us.

My wonderful husband, Matt, has been so supportive during all of my training. He encouraged me when I doubted myself. He made me healthy meals. He massaged my tight calf muscles and gnarly feet. He and my brother-in-law, Luiz, cheered us on and we’re waiting at the finish line. My mom came to cheer us on too and my mother-in-law was there also. When we were rounding the corner to the finish line I was surprised by a group of our Zumba friends screaming and waving signs. The amount of support that we had during this run was wonderful and
helped so much.

Matt got me these beautiful roses and a massage bar that I used to roll out all my muscles that were cramping up. That thing is magic. I didn’t stay long after the race because I was pretty beat. We went home and I took a cat nap. Then Matt grilled us some shrimp, steak and red and orange peppers.

It was yummy and I can’t wait to eat the leftovers as a big salad tomorrow! Today is my mom’s birthday so we got together to celebrate at my sister’s house.

Ever since I did the whole30 I have been obsessed with cake. I never really cared about it before but I literally couldn’t stop thinking about cake during those thirty days. It doesn’t really agree with my body but I don’t care, today I was having some cake! It was ridiculously amazing.

I can’t believe that my half is over and now I’m wondering what’s next? I want to work on increasing my pace so I’m thinking I’ll focus on speed work. I might have to look for some other races too.

What did you do this weekend? Did you complete any goals? Did you eat fabulous cake?