I'm learning everyday how to be the best version of me.

Tag Archives: zumbathon

Early Friday morning the power went out in almost our whole county. It was awesome having the house completely dark, until the carbon monoxide sensor starting beeping every minute. The power was still out when I was getting ready for work and you would think that my biggest concern was that I couldn’t really style my hair, but no, it was how the hell was I going to get my coffee?! Thankfully I live about 15 minutes away from Vermont and was able to stop at a gas station with the freshest coffee in the whole world. The coffee line was ridiculously long!

It took me about 15 minutes but I was able to snag 3 large coffees to share with my co-workers, I was kind of a hero. We don’t close the salon just because we don’t have power. We work by the light coming from the huge windows and do what we can. It’s kind of fun/ exciting but I was super happy when the electricity came on around 10. We literally cheered. It ended up being a really long day for me, I was there until almost 9. My last client was so much fun and wanted something really bold.

She loved it. She especially loved that depending on where the part was the colors could just peek out or they could be big bold chunks. I foiled blonde and red into small triangle sections, alternating the colors and where the tip of the triangles lay. I was pleased with how it came out.
Saturday was a little frustrating because I had people cancel or forget their appointment all together. I was able to take a walk-in though that was a really fun cut to do so it all worked out. I’m loving how fashionable men’s haircuts are lately. I got to work on fading and did a lot texturizing to the top. When I asked him if he liked it he long paused and then said it was the best cut he’s ever had. I was definitely sweating during that long pause! But I was so glad he liked it.

I left work early to go to a Zumbathon. The event was part of our local relay for life and it’s the fourth time they’ve held dancing in the street. We literally take over part of Main St. and dance for an hour and a half. It was the perfect opportunity to bust out my Urban Decay electric palette.
I did some rainbow bright action on my eyes. I had a co-worker give me a Mohawk-like updo and it was awesome!

So far we’ve raised over $12,000 and we have a few more weeks to hopefully raise even more. After the event one of the crew members held a party for everyone and their significant others and children. It was a great night with great food and even better people.
Sunday morning was gorgeous and it was the first morning I got to sit on my porch and drink my coffee. I really
need to get some new sunglasses so I don’t have to steal Matt’s hat. I kind of like wearing his stuff though.

I made 3 fried eggs topped with guacamole to fuel me for my long run.

My sister joined me for the run. She's also running in the half next week and we both wanted to run the trail that the race will be on. This was brutal for me. So many things went wrong for me. I literally had a meltdown and a cry during this run. I don't know how I would have made it through without my sister's encouragement.

I’m nervous for the race but I’m confident that I will finish it. This was such a great week-end and I’m so sad that it’s over.
How was your week-end? Did you have any challenging runs or color your hair a funky color?