I'm learning everyday how to be the best version of me.

It’s the final countdown

I have one more day left of the Whole30!  I am being seriously tempted with yummy bunnies sitting on my kitchen table.  So far I’m holding strong but I am giving a lot of thought as to when is the best time to test out sugar again?  I am terrified that as soon as I eat a little bit the sugar monster will come back full force.  It’s been so nice to not have to deal with that beast and I really don’t want to invite it back in to my life.  On the other hand, it’s really unlikely that I’ll go the rest of my life without eating added sugars.  I’m thinking that the best way to handle this situation is to completely change when and how I eat it.  No more sitting on the couch watching TV and not even tasting the deliciousness that I ate.  And no more treats that aren’t absolutely worth the risk of the sugar monster.

Today was a pretty typical Monday for me.  I had some leftover breakfast from yesterday.  It’s an insanely delicious egg sausage hash thing that I made up.  I’m so sad it’s all gone now so I’ll be making it again for sure and maybe even share the recipe.


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Whole30 hash with a side of Oxygen Magazine

So remember how I ran outside for 2 hours yesterday?  I didn’t even think about the sun and completely forgot about sunscreen.  I got a nice sunburn going on my face and shoulders.  So dumb of me!

Sweet face sunburn.

Sweet face sunburn.

I had a pretty busy day at work.  I was kind of jealous of everyone coming in and telling me how gorgeous it was outside, especially because it’s supposed to be raining tomorrow and get colder on Wednesday.  It was awesome motivation to get outside for a run as soon as I got out.  I’m mad at my running app because it decided to pause itself so now I have no idea what my pace was.  There’s nothing I can do about it though so oh well.  It felt pretty slow.  It seems like there’s no rhyme or reason to what my pace will be.  I just have to keep pushing myself and keep on trying for better.  My legs just feel like dead weight sometimes, I’m not really sure what I should do about that?  Any and all running tips are appreciated!  I hope you guys got to enjoy the fabulous weather!


Easter 2014

I love when Easter is on a gorgeous spring day like today. I feel like you can officially wear sandals now. But first I have to polish my toes. Running definitely ruins my pedicure, small price to pay.

The Easter bunny was very good to us this year. Matt got a basket filled with grilling supplies.

That fabulous bunny left me a pot filled with herb seeds, gardening tools, cinnamon bears and 2 chocolate bunnies from a local chocolate shop. One is their plain chocolate, which I got last year and it’s the best chocolate bunny I’ve ever had. The other is a toffee bunny. I’m a freak for toffee. I don’t know how long I can wait to eat them!


I did my 10 miler today. It felt good to be out running in the sun. I was slightly faster than last week. I was hoping to be more in the 10 1/2 min pace but it was in the 12 min range. I felt alright until about 7 miles and then my right hip started to hurt. I tried to stretch it but it didn’t really help. So I did the best I could.

I took a little cat nap when I got home.



Who can say no to snuggling with this pretty kitty?

Matt was busy while I was out running. He filled my raised bed with soil so I could plant my seedlings.

He was also busy getting the smoker going and cooking our pork tenderloin. He made us the most fantastic Easter meal, smoked tenderloin and ribs and roasted Brussels sprouts. It was excellent! I’m a lucky lady to have such a great guy.

Now we’re watching an old movie, Easter Parade, starring Fred Astaire and Judy Garland, which so far is amazing. I hope you guys had a great and relaxing Easter!

Meal Plan 4/20

Happy Easter!


I hope you’re all enjoying your Easter holiday.  Matt and I are staying home and enjoying a smoked pork tenderloin.  Matt is the master smoker in our home, of meats anyways.  Since I was so lazy last week I am on my game for this week.  I seriously felt so lost!  I know, I’m ridiculous.  My Whole30 ends on Tuesday which means I get to eat some cheese on Wednesday!!!  I could also technically eat some ice cream but I’m going to avoid anything super sugary for as long as possible.  For some reason  I crave cake hardcore and it’s not even something that I like all that much, so even though I don’t have intense sugar cravings at night I think it’s best to not rock the boat.  So I’m planning on eating some dairy on Wednesday and then eating Whole30 style until Saturday.  Fingers crossed that I don’t have any side affects!  Then on Saturday I’ll test out non-gluten grains. This is timed perfectly because we’re going to a Hibachi restaurant Saturday night for a friend’s b-day and I don’t know how I would avoid rice, or alcohol.  I’m equally excited and terrified to try out the eliminated foods.  It’ll be nice to ease up on the ingredients we can use but I really don’t want to be bloated and foggy headed and feel gross.  I really do want to know what foods don’t agree with me so I can avoid them.


I’m pretty excited for the meals we have planned this week, mostly because they’re tried and true favorites. (TACOS!!!)


Monday~ Easter dinner leftovers

Tuesday~ Orange Brown Butter Shrimp over Salad

Wednesday~ Tacos in Lettuce Wraps with Cauliflower Coconut Lime Rice

Thursday~ Baked Garlic Mushroom Chicken Thighs with Green Beans coated in Coconut Oil and Slivered Almonds

Friday~ Italian Wedding Soup

Saturday~ Hibachi

Sunday~ Grilling Skewers (if the weather allows)

You can find all these recipes on my “Healthy Eats” board on Pinterest.

I was the biggest slacker when it came to exercise last week.  I just didn’t feel like doing anything, so I didn’t.  I think sometimes it’s good to take a little break and let your body chill.  I ran 5 miles on Monday after work and shaved some time off of my pace.  It was a great run!  Then the weather turned colder and it snowed and my motivation died.  I went to Zumba on Wednesday and I haven’t done anything since.  So now I’m missing my weights!  I want to do two strength workouts a week in addition to running 4 times and my weekly Zumba class.  I think that should be a good balance.


Sunday~ 10 mile run

Monday~ 3 mile run and compound workout

Tuesday~ 5 mile run

Wednesday~ 3 mile run and Zumba

Thursday~ workout at PFit

Friday~ rest/ possibly do Pilates DVD


Matt just pulled a beer bread out of the oven so that’s my cue to go do my run. 😉  Wish me luck!  What are your fitness plans?  Do have any strength workouts that you’d like to share?

Planning to Fail

I’m more than 2/3 of the way through my first Whole30.  I was really expecting this to be super hard and I continue to be surprised by how doable this program is.  I had my biggest challenge over the week-end, I attended a bridal shower that was serving a delicious brunch menu.

I was blown away by beautifully the bridal party decorated with birch wood, tulips and burlap.

I was blown away by beautifully the bridal party decorated with birch wood, tulips and burlap.

I was nervous that there wouldn’t be anything for me to eat so I had a really filling breakfast at home.  I was right, all I had to eat was fruit.  That’s ok, I sipped on decaf coffee and I brought a larabar to tie me over.  It was a great shower for a wonderful lady and I was so happy to be there and proud of myself for sticking with the Whole30, especially since everyone at my table wanted to talk about what I wasn’t eating.

Sunset over the Hoosic river during my long run.

Sunset over the Hoosic river during my long run.

By the time I got home from the shower I was STARVING!  I did my long run the night before and banged out 9 miles.  I’m not going to lie, it was tough.  My feet were killing me the entire time and the second mile was a huge hill that I mostly walked up but it was still a happy run for me.  I finished strong and with a smile on my face.  I think this was why I was so hungry though.  It’s hard to eat enough carbs after running long distances and by only getting your carbs from fruits and veggies.

The rest of Sunday was spent cleaning and doing random errands and I was to tired to meal plan or plan my workouts.  This made grocery shopping a lot more challenging and it took a lot more time.  This was definitely a “Fail to plan, plan to fail” situation.  I only bought healthy, Whole30 approved foods but I think I bought way more than we can eat in a week!

Before shopping

Before shopping

After shopping

After shopping












This doesn’t include all the fruits and veggies that don’t go into the fridge and sit on my counter.  Now I have to figure out how we’re going to eat all this food and where I’m going to chop it.

The other problem with shopping without a plan is the amount of money you spend.  I don’t know why I was so shocked at the price, but I was floored.  Most of what I bought was on sale and I had some coupons but I was stocking up on staples so I guess it just all adds up.

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I will absolutely be planning our meals next week!  I also need to find some workouts and schedule them as well because other than running and Zumba I haven’t planned on doing anything and it looks like I won’t be getting any lifting in this week.  Here’s the fly be the sit of my pants meal plan.

Monday~ Fish tacos and coconut lime cauliflower “rice”

Tuesday~ Baked chicken and roasted sweet potatoes and beets

( I totally burnt the beets 😦 )

Wednesday~ Proscuitto wrapped spinach and artichoke stuffed chicken with roasted Brussels sprouts

Thursday~ Steak with mushrooms and onions and green beans with coconut oil and slivered almonds, and baked sweet potatoes

Friday~ Crock Pot Cinnamon Pork tenderloin with apples and turnips

Not too shabby of a meal plan.  I’m really looking forward to Friday’s tenderloin, I love walking into the house after a long day of work and smelling cinnamon and apples and general yumminess.  And not having to wait to eat is pretty awesome too.  I better go eat some fruit and veggies before they start to go bad!

Week 12 of Body for Life

Holy cow I finished an entire Body for Life program! (and I actually enjoyed doing it)  I really set my mind on planning my workouts each week and pushing myself a little harder than the week before.  I would love to say that my body is rock hard and I’m ready to wear my bikini fearlessly but that just isn’t the truth.  Even though I worked hard in the gym I was a major slacker in the kitchen.  Until I started doing the Whole30 my eating was a hot mess.  I drank my coffee light and sweet and I was inhaling chocolate late into the night.  I was sabotaging myself.  I really feel like I’m in a good place right now.  I feel much stronger  and more focused.  I really feel like I’ve gotten my fitness and nutrition on the right track thanks to Body for Life and the Whole30 and I look forward to growing stronger and becoming healthier.

Sunday April 6, Run

I went on a 3.1 mile run with my sister, OUTSIDE!!!  It was a gorgeous day and I was so happy to be in the fresh air instead of on the treadmill.  Unfortunately for me this was an insanely hard run.  I felt so incredibly winded and tired.  And I saw a squirrel run into a car and die.  So yeah, that was a memorable run.

Monday April 7, Upper Body

chest press machine: 12X @ 55#, 10X @ 60#, 8X @ 65#, 6X @ 70#, 12X @ 55#

dumbbell flyes: 12X @ 25#

lat pulldown: 12X @ 40#, 10X @ 45#, 8X @ 50#, 6X @ 55#, 12X @ 40#

cable pulley rows: 12X @ 25#

shoulder press machine: 12X @ 30#, 10X @ 35#, 8X @ 40#, 6X @ 45#, 12X @ 30#

front raise: 12X @ 10#

bi-cep curl machine: 12X @ 35#, 10X @ 40#, 8X @ 45#, 6X @ 45#, 12X @ 35#

hammer curl: 12X @ 10#

tri-cep press: 12X @ 30#, 10X @ 35#, 8X @ 40#, 6X @ 45#, 12X @ 30#

This was the first time I used the tri-cep press machine and the weight I used was way too light.

tri-cep overhead dumbell extension: 12X @ 20#

Tuesday April 8, Lower Body, Abs and Treadmill Run

leg extensions: 12X @ 55#, 10X @ 60#, 8X @ 65#, 6X @ 70#, 12X @ 55#

seated press: 12X @ 130#

seated leg curl: 12X @ 70#, 10X @ 75#, 8X @ 80#, 6X @ 85#, 12X @ 70#

dumbbell deadlift: 12X @ 25#

squats: 12X @ 20#, 10X @ 25#, 8X @ 30#, 6X @ 35#, 12X @ 20#

wall sit: 1 1/2 min

stability ball twist: 12X, 10X, 8X, 6X, 12X

lower ab crunch: 12X

I had another crappy run, this time on the treadmill.  I blame the awful wifi signal at the gym.  I like to listen to Pandora while I’m running.  Well, during this run the music kept coming in and out and it was so annoying that I couldn’t even run the last mile.

Wednesday April 9, Run and Zumba

I woke up this morning determined to have a good run.  I was set to give it my all and just have fun with it.  I told myself I could take walking breaks whenever I needed them.  This run felt great!  I did take some breaks and that’s ok, I did 5 miles!  I really enjoyed my run.  And I always love Zumba!

Thursday April 10, Upper Body

chest press machine: 12X @ 55#, 10X @ 60#, 8X @ 65#, 6X @ 70#, 12X @ 55#

flye machine: 12X @ 55#

dual pulley lat pulldown: 12X @ 20#, 10X @ 27.5#, 8X @ 35#, 6X @ 42.5#, 12X @ 20#

cable dual pulley rows: 12X @ 20#

shoulder press machine: 12X @ 30#, 10X @ 35#, 8X @ 40#, 6X @ 45#, 12X @ 30#

side raise: 12X @ 15#

bi-cep curl machine: 12X @ 40#, 10X @ 45#, 8X @ 50#, 6X @ 55#, 12X @ 40#

hammer curls: 12X @ 15#

cable pushdown: 12X @ 30#, 10X @ 35#, 8X @ 40#, 6X @ 45#, 12X @ 30#

cable overhead extension: 12X @ 30#

I am so proud of myself for doing this.  Now I’m going to focus on training for my half.  I don’t want to lose the muscles I’ve worked so hard to build so I’ll continue to lift but in the interest of saving time I think I’ll be doing more compound workouts and maybe try some HIIT workouts as well.  Also, the yoga classes I used to go to in the fall are supposed to be starting back up and I can not wait to get back into it.  I’ll keep you posted on what I’m up to.  Any workout suggestions?



Week 11 of Body for Life

I should have posted this last week because it’s all pretty much a giant blur to me.  Luckily I jot everything down in my handy dandy notebook.  (Yeah that was a Blue’s Clues reference.)  Work has been pretty slow because Williams College has been on spring break so lots of my clients go away.  I took advantage of those easy work hours and did my long run on Saturday after work.  It was really nice to wake-up on Sunday morning and get to relax with Matt.  It was even better that I didn’t have to go to the gym because we went car shopping and that always takes a lot of time.  I was shocked that I found a car!  I’m the proud owner of a 2013 Subaru Impreza.  Every single car that I’ve owned has been blue.  It’s weird how your sub-conscious works.  I was just happy it wasn’t red.  I don’t know what the hell I have against red cars but they just don’t do it for me.  This week I was also able to get outside for my first outdoor run of the year.  I literally felt like skipping and singing the entire time.  Except for the times when my legs felt like lead and like I was running through molasses.

Saturday March 29

8 mile run on the treadmill in 94 minutes.  I didn’t take any breaks until 4 1/2 miles in.  I was pretty proud of myself.  However when I got home I felt sick for a few hours afterwards.  I was so hungry and I think I might have inhaled my food instead of eating it and then my stomach was angry with me.  I’m also wondering when I should start adding a little bit of fuel during a long run.

Monday March 31

3 mile run on the treadmill in 34 1/2 minutes.  I don’t know why these shorter distances seems so much harder for me but the entire time I’m running all I’m thinking is how badly I want this to be over.

Tuesday April 1, Lower Body and Abs

leg extensions: 12X @ 55#, 10X @ 60#, 8X @ 65#, 6X @ 70#, 12X @ 55#

glutes machine: 12X @ 50#

leg curls: 12X @ 65#, 10X @ 70#, 8X @ 75#, 6X @ 80#

leg press: 12X @ 120#

stability ball bridges: 12X, 10X, 8X, 6X, 12X

wall sit: 1 1/2 minutes

twisting crunches on stability ball: 12X, 10X, 8X, 6X, 12X

standard crunch on stability ball: 12X


Wednesday April 2, 4 mile Run and Zumba

I can’t tell you how happy I was to be outside in the sunshine running.  I didn’t even care that my legs were really tired.


Thursday April 3, Upper Body, Lower Body and Abs

dumbbell press: 12X @ 25#, 10X @ 30#, 8X @ 35#, 6X @ 40#, 12X @ 25#

fly machine: 12X @ 60#

lat pulldown: 12X @ 20#, 10X @ 27.5#, 8X @ 35#, 6X @ 40#, 12X @ 20#

dumbbell rows: 12X @ 25#

seated shoulder press: 12X @ 10#, 10X @ 15#, 8X @ 20#, 6X @ 25#, 12X @ 10#

side raise: 12X @ 10#

bi-cep curl machine: 12X @ 35#, 10X @ 40#, 8X @ 45#, 6X @ 50#, 12X @ 35#

hammer curls: 12X @ 15#

tri-cep cable pushdown: 12X @ 25#, 10X @ 30#, 8X @ 35#, 6X @ 40#, 12X @ 25#

tri-cep overhead extension: 12X @ 25#

I did the exact same lower body and abs routine from Tuesday.


I literally have one more upper body workout to do and then I”m done with my Body for Life training plan.  I’m looking forward to switching up my routine.  It has been really nice to have a formula to work off of these past few months though.  Hopefully I’ll be back tomorrow with my final week.



Whole30 Week 3 Meal Plan and Fitness Plan

We’re gearing up for week 3 of the Whole30 and my LAST week of Body for Life!  This is huge for me.  I have a hard time following fitness plans all the way to the end, especially if they’re 3 months long.  I’m really looking forward to being able to change of my routine and maybe even taking more of my workouts outside.  I had my first outdoor run of the year and it was glorious!  Slow, but glorious.  Oh sun, how I have missed you.  Thank-you for returning to my life.  My nutrition has really clicked with the Whole30 eating plan.  So far I’ve stuck to the rules 100% and I’m pretty confident that I can see this through to the end.  I’m almost at the half-way point.  I do have a bridal shower brunch to attend this week-end and I’m a little worried that I won’t be able to eat anything.  I suppose that I can just eat a nice big breakfast at home and try to avoid eating at it at all.

Last week I made a huge pan of Apple Bumpkin Breakfast Bake that I’ve been working on for breakfasts all week.  I topped it with coconut butter and it is absolutely delicious!  I needed a break from eggs every morning but I think this week I’ll be bringing them back.

Meal Plan

Monday~Baked Mustard Lime Chicken

Tuesday~ Spicy Shrimp and Butternut Squash “Rice” with Tomatoes

Wednesday~Prosciutto Wrapped Spinach and Artichoke Stuffed Chicken

Thursday~Chicken Nuggets and Sweet Potato Fries (made these last week and we’re in love!)

Friday~ Italian Wedding Soup

Saturday~Spaghetti Squash and Meatballs

If you’d like to make any of these dinners all the recipes can be found on my Healthy Eats board on Pinterest.

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Fitness Plans

Sunday~ 5k run (OUTSIDE!!!)

Monday~ Upper Body

Tuesday~Lower Body, Abs and 3 mile run

Wednesday~ 5 mile run and Zumba

Thursday~ Upper Body

Friday~ Rest day

Saturday~ 9 mile run

So it’s shaping up to be a pretty fun week.  Matt and I are ripping up some yucky linoleum flooring in the dining room today and using the grill for dinner.  I’m so excited to see the hardwood underneath!  What are you guys up to today?  Any crazy house projects or long runs?  I’ll keep you posted on the how the floors come out.


10 days in

So I’ve been doing the Whole30 for 10 days now and I feel pretty darn good. I’m lucky that I didn’t have any severe headaches or anything. I don’t want to jinx anything but so far it hasn’t been all that hard.

I’ve made a lot of changes to my daily routine and they’ve all been really postive. Not just for me but for Matt as well. We eat dinner at the table now and it’s been amazing how much more we talk and share about our day when we don’t have a computer or tv to distract us. Eating at the table has led to actually doing the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen. I make my breakfast in the morning right after I take care of the dog, so in order to have time to cook I shower at night now. I think the nighttime shower makes me sleepy and therefore I’m going to bed a little bit earlier than usual so I’m getting more sleep. So yeah my life is getting easier in a way thanks to all the changes I’ve made.

Speaking of changes, my skin is brighter and smoother. It took such a beating this winter. It feels so good! One of the reasons I decided to do the whole30 is because my skin kept freaking out, especially in and around my underarms. I think I was having allergic reactions but to what, I have no clue. That seems to be going away.

I am starting to miss some of my favorite foods, mostly chocolate chip cookies. I wouldn’t say I’m craving sweets like I used to but I am noticing their absence. I’ve had loads of yummy food and that has helped me stay on track.




I had originally thought I would post my meals daily but I’m usually pretty tired by the time I get to sit down and write but I will let you know how the next 20 days go. Fingers crossed it stays as doable as it’s been!>

Week 2 Whole30 Meal Plan and Fitness Plan

Hey guys!  I’m almost done with my first week of Whole30 and I’m feeling great!  My sugar cravings are gone!  I’m not sure if that’s because I’m really not craving them or if it’s because I’ve been going to bed earlier but it’s working and I couldn’t be happier!  It gives me a lot of encouragement to keep with this plan.  I have started to get a little bored with eggs and avocado in the morning so I’m branching out this week with a yummy looking apple egg baked thing.  I’ll let you know how that goes.


Sunday~ Chocolate Chili

Monday~ Baked Garlic Mushroom Chicken with Green Beans

Tuesday~ Cilantro Lime Shrimp with Roasted Brussels Sprouts

Wednesday~ Meatloaf Cake with Baked Sweet Potatoes

Thursday~ Chicken Fingers with BBQ Sauce and Sweet Potato Fries

Friday~ Crockpot Curry over Cauliflower Rice

Saturday~ Apple Dijon Burgers topped with Caramelized Onions and a Fried Egg

Breakfasts~ Apple Bumpkin Bake

I found all of these recipes through Whole30 recipe searching.  If you want to try them out you can click on them on my “healthy eats” board on Pinterest.


Saturday~ 8 mile run (CANNOT believe that I did this!!!)

Sunday~ Rest day (really enjoying my lazy morning)

Monday~ 4 Mile run (hopefully outside if the weather co-operates)

Tuesday~Lower Body and Abs

Wednesday~  Upper Body, 3mile run and Zumba

Thursday~ Lower Body and Abs

Friday~ Rest

I’ve found it’s really tough for me to run after a long day at work.  I try to switch out to flats for the last few hours to try and preserve my legs but my calves and my feet are pretty tired after about a mile.  I was really lucky this Saturday because after lunch I had appointments where I pretty much sat the entire time which NEVER happens.  It was so beautiful out all day and I kept hoping that I would be able to run outside but as soon as I was leaving work it started to rain.  Oh well, hopefully that was my last long run on the treadmill!  I’ll be back later today or tomorrow with a post on my Whole30 eats.

What have you got planned for this week?  Trying any new recipes or running new distances?

Week 10 of Body for Life

I can’t believe that I only have 2 more weeks left of Body for Life!  I feel like it’s become my normal routine to plan out my workouts and head to the gym.  I think it’s really helped to distract me from this never ending winter that we’re all enjoying in the Northeast.  This was a week of tough and challenging weights and distances.  I’m really happy with my progress.  I think changing the way I think during my runs has helped tremendously.  I wouldn’t say that I’m at the point where I look forward to running but I also no longer dread them.  I’ve also changed my mind on upper body workouts, I love them!  I have to say I look forward to the weeks with 2 upper body workouts.  I didn’t think I would ever think that way.  I got this week’s gym sessions started a little early, right after work on Saturday.

March 22, Upper Body

dumbbell press: 12X @ 20#, 10X @ 25#, 8X @ 30#, 6X @ 35#, 12X @ 20#

fly machine: 12X @ 55#

Chest: I did all reps but felt pretty weak by the end.

cable rows: 12X @ 20#, 10X @ 27.5#, 8X @ 35#, 6X @ 42.5#, 12X @ 20#

dual pulley pulldown: 12X @ 20#

Increase weights next time.

shoulder press machine: 12X @ 25#, 10X @ 30#, 8X @ 35#, 6X @ 40#, 12X @ 25#

dumbbell front raise: 12X @ 15#

Shoulders: Increase weight on the machine.  The dumbbells were a struggle.

Bi-cep curl machine: 12X @ 30#, 10X @ 35#, 8X @ 40#, 6X @ 45#, 12X @ 30#

hammer curls: 12x @ 15#

Bi-cep: Increase weights next time.

lying tri-cep extensions: 12X @ 20#, 10X @ 25#, 8X @ 30#, 6X @ 35#, 12X @ 20#

dumbbell kickbacks: 12X @ 20#

Tri-ceps: Totally burnt out by the end!

March 23, 7 Mile Run

I did 7 miles on the treadmill.  I’m not sure how much time it took me because I paused to stretch my calves and didn’t start again so the treadmill reset itself.  I felt great during this run and took minimal walking breaks.  The best part of this run?  When I got home Matt took this picture of me.

iphone 110I guess I sweat pink. 😉

March 24, Lower Body and Abs

pile squats: 12X @ 45#, 10X @ 50#, 8X @ 55#, 6X @ 60#, 12X @ 45#

leg extensions: 12X @ 50#

seated leg curls: 12X @ 60#, 10X @ 65#, 8X @ 70#, 6X @ 75#, 12X @ 60#

deadlifts: 12X @ 25# in each hand

stability ball bridges: 12X, 10X, 8X , 6X, 12X

wall sit: 1 1/2 min

twisting crunch on stability ball: 12X, 10X, 8X, 6X, 12X

crunch on stability ball: 12X

My abs were sore until Thursday!  I’m not sure why that happened but I kind of like when my abs get sore like that.  I feel like my six pack is going to pop out.

March 25, 4 Mile Run

Did 4 miles (without any walking breaks) in 52 min.  Yeah I know I’m a slow runner but whatevs, I’m lapping everyone sitting on the couch.

March 26, Upper Body and Zumba

dumbbell press: 12X @ 25#, 10X @ 30#, 8X @ 35#, 6X @ 40#, 12X @ 25#

dumbbell fly: 12X @ 25#

Chest: So, so hard!  I had super poor form on the heaviest set and could only lift and lower about half way.

dumbbell rows: 12X @ 25#, 10X @ 30#, 8X @ 35#, 6X @ 40#, 12X @ 25#

dual pulley pulldown: 12X @20#

Back: This got hard.  My left side is definitely the weaker side.

shoulder press machine: 12X @ 30#, 10X @ 35#, 8X @ 40#, 6X @ 45#, 12X @ 30#

front raise: 12X @ 15#

Shoulders: I was literally grunting.  Glad they didn’t throw me out of PFit.

hammer curls: 12X @ 10#, 10X @ 15#, 8X @ 20#, 6X @ 25#, 12X @ 10#

alternating bi-cep curls: 12X @ 10#

Bi-ceps: I could only do 6X @ 20# and couldn’t even fully do one rep at 25# but I kept trying.

dumbbell kickbacks: 12X @15#, 10X @ 20#, 8X @ 25#, 6X @ 30#, 12X @ 15#

overhead extension: 12X @ 20#

Tri-ceps: Not bad until I got to the heaviest set.

March 27, 3 Mile Run

Well this was supposed to be 3 miles but it was actually only 2 miles.  It’s so hard for me to run after standing in heels all day.  Plus I feel like a had a pulled or pinched muscles in my back/butt on the right side.  It started bothering me the night before during Zumba and I hoped that running would make it feel better.  It did not.  So I cut out early and took a nice hot shower and did some stretching.  Woke-up the next morning feeling better.


This seems like so much more work when I type it out but it was actually a lot of fun.  I like that I’m challenged with the weights and my running.  It feels amazing when you can lift a weight that you couldn’t a few weeks ago and I love that I am, so far, able to increase my runs every week.  I’m hoping that next week’s workouts go just as smoothly!